We Have Bad News…

So… shit happens…
Basically, we’re having an issue with episode 100 that was supposed to release today. It’s mixed and ready to be exported but while rendering it, our beloved editor (a.k.a. Niels) ‘s laptop, blew up.
The repair center told us that the data could be recovered (and we have a back-up anyway) but we’ll have to wait 4 to 6 weeks to get the PC and files back.

This whole thing is delaying the release of episode 100 by at least a month. It’s annoying, but there isn’t much we can do. If you’re craving SSS content in the meantime, we’re still maintaining the monthly schedule for the Patreon episodes.

We’ll keep you updated on Instagram and Discord on when episode 100 is coming out.

“It really do be like that sometimes”


The Quokka Cycles Workshop


Getting Together at CMWC Yokohama