March’s Newsletter

Oh man! Time does fly, that’s for sure… We’re already in April, and I’m barely finding the time to write this March recap. So let’s make it quick and see everything that you might have missed in March on !


Stuff to Listen to…

As usual, two new episodes this month on the main show. Episode 77 is an history show of the first Tour de France and how they did it fixed gear since detailers came around only three decades later.
Episode 78 is a very important one! We are announcing a new show! Wheelhouse Sisters will be hosted by Amanda and Christine once a month on top of Deep Dish Discussion, the Patreon Special and the regular episodes.


Talking about Deep Dish Discution! We had the chance to discuss with Matt from Gear Shop Brisbane! Also, mechanic for the Dutch track cycling team, Matt gave us some insight on bike logistic, track cycling for beginners, and more!

This month Patreon special might be the hardest we’ve laugh in a long time… Preparing our trip to Berlin was only a glimpse pf this episode. We did what we do best: Make fun of ourselves by doing stupid accent… What a time to be alive…

Some Stuff to Read

Three good articles for you this month, starting with my (Paul) personal take on the Cannondale Track. If you’re even remotely interested in fixed-gear cycling, you’ve probably heard about a Ctrack at some point. Well, if you’re curious, you might get a few answers in this blog-post.

Next up is a traditional Bike check with Keisuke’s Mash work. Never not posting Japanese builds, because this is where all the fire is at!

Finally, I wanted to share what is probably my best excuse to build yet another bike. Short coffee run aren’t by choice anymore, but just to avoid back pain….


One more thing!

While on one of our many team calls, Amanda came up with a brilliant idea. With fixed gear events taking places all around the globe, we thought we could help people reaching out to their local community and bring the community together. So that’s why we created the SSS calendar… That actually has nothing to do with us because it’s for your events!
You can already see all the events we’ve already added, but if you’re planning, a race, an alley cat or even a swap meet, you can use this link to add yours!
Good idea right?

Finally: a word from Rob!

Hi guys, 

I wanted to talk a bit about Rad Race and what it was like and what it means to me personally. So in 2020 I had decided to get back on my fixed gear bike after pretty much not riding at all for over 6 years. At the time, I was also interested in taking a welding course and maybe making some hand built bike frames. I then noticed via Instagram that fixed gear community had grown around the world, and what was standing out to me was the fxd.bln content. Then Rad Race popped up on my radar and I checked out the videos from what were online at the time and the whole thing looked mental. I had got chatting with a Frame builder in Berlin too, and he was going to be at the Kolektif, so it just made sense to head to Berlin for that weekend.  

This would be the weekend that changed my life for the following 3 years to come and put me on this path that I am on now. I had such a crazy weekend at the bike fair and then watching Rad Race and meeting the community in Berlin was epic. I'd never been on a night ride, I'd never seen anyone wheelie or bar spin a fixed gear, this was completely new to me but blew me away. I was hooked! 

A few months later during the start of Lock down I was on a flight to Berlin with my bike to take, what I thought was going to be a month-long trip. I built my frame by hand which was epic, but I was hooked on Berlin so much, that I stayed for two more months. After that, I was like: “fuck it”.  I am staying. Two years later I moved back to London, but not without a life the life-changing experience that was Berlin. 

So for me, Rad Race 2023 was my 3-year anniversary with my Berlin life and friends. And it was as epic this time around. The London crew came out, which just made the entire trip so special. Being able to share old and new friends and memories was unbelievable for me. People, friends from all over Europe and further just in Berlin for this one mad weekend. It was just incredible. 

This Race is so well organized! The hype and fun just builds all day long until you get to the finals and the place is dark with red lights on, smoke in the air, the sound of the commentator calling out the riders names and the crowd is going wild with excitement, everyone jumping and cheering the riders on. It's absolutely epic and for anyone into fixed gear it's a must-see event. 

All in all I loved it, it tired me out a lot over the week, but it was worth the energy. I am just touching the surface of what the weekend entails, so many extras, night ride, trick evenings, mini Alley cats. It's a great time for all. 

Amanda, Paul and I were so happy that many of you came and talked with us! It’s great to put faces on names we’ve seen online and hang out with y’all! Can’t wait for the next one!


I’ve been trying some funky stuff recently…

Thank you to this month Patrons :
Mariusfive, Diego M, Patrick K, Joey R, Saiybon, Connor.D, Sack10, Robin, F. Garcia, Kai, Tamás.S, Michael.F, Robert.C, Mathieu.H, Benoit.P, Florian.R, Honza.H, Jorge.P, Michael.W, Jorge.K , A.Danger, Matěj.k , David.H, Corentin.M, Maurits, Ben.W, Edward.W, K C, Brad.D, Kruucks, Sheldon.S, ClarkeStreet, ChaosRide, Borntosvffer, Fixie.C , Valentin.M, Jean-Jeremy, Michel.F, Ross.W, Mtrx, Mark.H , Henryk.W, Chris.M , Femi.A, Nils.F, Yannik.B and Paul!

Thank you for supporting us and the Slow Spin Society project.


April’s Newsletter


February’s Newsletter