The Slow Spin Society Podcast Ep.27 - Finding your Unicorn Frame! The Secondhand Market and You!



Hey all,

We are likely all guilty of spending TOO much money on our bike(s) and bike components or just buying things we don’t need but just want. Buying, selling, trading, upgrading, downgrading, and sidegrading almost seem as important to fixed-gear riders as actually riding bikes.  In the fixed-gear community, as with many hobbies out there, there’s a healthy and sizable second-hand market allowing people to discover hidden master frames and get more out of their money. As this hobby is comparatively niche and small(er) scale, it is not always evident where the second-hand market really is. This episode will discuss the second-hand market, where it can be found and accessed, what the benefits and pitfalls of buying second-hand are, and the different types of players that are involved in this market. 

What have you bought or sold recently? Let us know! Join our Discord chat. We even have a buy & sell channel 😎

Relevant Links:

Pedal Room



Instagram: Pedalroom.Marketplace

Instagram: Track.lab

No matter what you say, we know it’s not the last part you buy 🧐

Thank you to our 26 patrons for supporting us again this week: ILikeTrackBikes, Marius_five, Diego M, Patrick K, Joey R, Saiybon, Connor.D, Daniel.D, Alexander. K, Julian, Acetylcholine, Sack10, Robin, F. Garcia, Kruucks, Tamás.S, Jacob.J, Mat.F, Nicolas.B, Michael.F, Robert.C, Mathieu.H, Vit H. and Benoit.P !

Support us on Patreon if you enjoy the show! Email us at : Join our Discord Server Cover Illustration by @juliettejoe_ Intro/outro music : Lovely Swindler – Amarià


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