December/January’s Newsletter

Well it’s been a while, isn’t it?! Wrapping up December with our loved ones, getting a fresh start in January, and probably thinking to ourselves: “I’m gonna ride more this year!” Don’t lie, we all did it.

You’ve probably noticed the lack of a newsletter last month. It was a choice for Fabian, Rob, and me to get some proper holidays before coming back in 2022.  So we’ll double down for this one to see what happened in December AND January.

Starting December strong with no other than Derek Rebel. Australian legend and more recently, founder of Vechter Bikes, he explained in great detail the many faces of creating your own cycling brand and sharing your vision with the rest of the world. A great episode with a lot to learn and a very good vibe!

With all that wholesomeness we had to balance things. Preparing ourselves to go back to our family, we let out all the anger and rage by ranting for almost a complete hour about everything we can’t stand anymore in the fixed-gear world.  Chinese carbon, dangerous misconducts in group rides, bad habits, you name it we probably talked about it.

And then came episode 46! A true Christmas Special with songs, talking about next year’s plans, and drinking eggnog. Since it was a Christmas Special and we felt like Santa this year, we opened the extended version to everyone so if you ever wanted to try out the long cut of the show, here is your chance.

Finally, January comes around and we hope everyone’s life we’ll be easier this year and filled with riding and nice events. I feel we’re slowly but steadily seeing the end of all of this pandemic madness and hope we’ll soon be able to travel more and meet as many of you as possible. 

On our part, we decided to drop the weekly format and go for a semimonthly (twice a month) podcast. For what we’ve done so far, we still record at the last minute but that extra week enables us to have more to talk about and express ourselves with more ease.  That's also part of what we talked about in episode 47 but the real deal starts 2 weeks later. In episode 48 we had Wilis on the show. Owner and designer of Deluxe Cycles, we had a great time talking about vintage bikes, cars, and movies. Trust me, you don’t wanna miss this one.

As I explained just before, Going from four to two episodes a month. We had to account for the lack of extra content for our patrons. We also wanted to explore different formats of media. Video, shorter podcast, photo reportage… So that’s why we decided to create one special episode, free of format, every month for our patrons. Can be a vlog, can be a riding video, can be an awesome map we found. Anything is good to try until we find a nice balance for you and us.

In the meantime, our top-tier patrons continue to receive every month the “surprise envelope” with prints and stickers. Here is part of what they got recently.

News on

We started December with a review of some gears sent to me by Craft Cadence.  It was really nice to have brands supporting the SSS project and it was a good time discovering something new. We then promptly ended 2021 with one ultimate bike check of Patrick’s Samson to finish the year with some eye candy.

Finally, to start 2022 with a good start, I wrote another self-bike check with my Cyanotype and the interesting story behind it. Buying a bike. Selling it, and buying it back! Always makes up for some interesting tales.


One more thing…

After a few months of scratching my head, I finally released a few products on the SSS shop. It sure isn’t much but if you read the descriptions, you’ll understand that I put some time and effort into those projects.

Lastly a little word from Rob:

Hey guys, hope all is well and everyone is able to get out and ride more now the winter is behind us. I must say I am Loving riding London city at the moment. The roads are very different to most other cities I’ve riden and there is some stupid junctions that drive me crazy but overall its got some flow. I plan to shoot some new style filming and what to make some edits to share with you guys. I blasted around the queens gaft last week, east London and went to some new bike cafes. A new cafe called Look Mom no hands which has mega coffee and cakes that place is lite, people are super friendly and its a bike related cafe with workshop, super cool. I will try and and get a new edit out per week moving forward and will give you guys the first view incase its good and fun to watch. Thanks again to all peace out.

2022 is gonna be a good one. RadRace, traveling, more tracklocross, and more riding in general! Can’t wait for what’s next!


Thank you to this month Patrons :
ILikeTrackBikes, Marius_five, Diego M, Patrick K, Joey R, Saiybon, Connor.D, Sack10, Robin, F. Garcia, Kai, Tamás.S, Jacob.J, Mat.F, Michael.F, Robert.C, Mathieu.H, Benoit.P, KKYS, Florian.R, Honza.H, Jorge.P, Michael.W, Jorge.K, and Vytenis.T !
Thank you for supporting us and the Slow Spin Society project


February’s Newsletter


November’s Newsletter