November’s Newsletter

And it is another month of Slow Spin Society in the bag!

As you know I always release the “newsletter”  on the first Saturday of the following month and it kinda ends up being more of a recap than a proper bit of news. Meaning, this is the last of 2021 and as we’re rolling on 2022, I had kind of a look back on everything that happened this year.

First, I’m writing this a few days after the Spotify recap was made available for everyone, and it made me so happy to see your screenshots of your “most listened podcast”. It’s always a bliss to know that people like and enjoy our content.

It’s been a year full of adventures with rivers of joy, and great moments on and off the bike for all of us. 2021 had its moments and I’m looking forward to a year full of international travel and meeting new riders.
On that poetic note, let’s see what happened on the podcast this month!

We started November with an interesting question. If you ever asked yourself that question, then welcome to the club, you have a bike problem like most of us. “How many bikes do you really need?” was the main topic of our episode 40. We swiftly interviewed Berlin’s number one trick rider, I’m of course talking about Mathie a.k.a. @deythos on Instagram.

Episode 42 was a nice Q&A for Rob and I, where all of you guys could ask us questions. Trust me we did try to answer everything and to the best of our abilities! Finally, we know a lot of you really like history episodes so we added some drama to the table with the crazy story of Klein vs Cannondale and how a group of students redefined the cycling industry in the 70s’.

Since we launched the Patreon memberships, we had people getting onboard and others leaving after a while but always in the best spirit possible.  It’s an awesome community that we’re creating here and as always a big thank you to anyone supporting the podcast financially.

Here is this month’s print along with one of the new patches I made for our top-tier patrons.  As usual, if you want to help us financially you can subscribe to any tier on our Patreon page, with prices ranging from a cappuccino to a

Quad long shot grande in a venti cup, half calf double cupped no sleeve, salted caramel mocha latte, with 2 pumps of vanilla, 2 pumps of classic, 2 pumps of hazelnut, substitute 2 pumps of white chocolate mocha for mocha, and substitute 2 pumps of hazelnut for toffee nut half whole milk, a splash of almond milk, a splash of soy milk, a splash of 2 percent milk, a splash of coconut milk, add mocha powder, and half breve with no whipped cream extra hot. Extra java chips, extra foam, extra caramel drizzle, extra salt, add a scoop of vanilla bean powder, with light ice, well stirred, plus a whole banana and dash of cinnamon.

But we’ll never order that. Trust me, you shouldn’t either.

What about the Blog?

A few interesting and short articles this month on the blog. First, following the episode with the staff from Chrome Industries, I finally finished my review of the KURSK 2.0, with some interesting technical info if you’re into that. But most of all my general feeling on this new release.

Then you’ll find a gallery of the shots I took during the 2021 UCI track cycling world championship in Roubaix. Not gonna lie, I’m pretty proud of the shot I got there and you can be sure I was the only dude messing with film and a 50mm lens at that event.


To wrap it up, it’s been an awesome year and I’m excited to see what’s gonna happen in 2022. In one of next month’s episodes, we’ll have a little update on how the podcast is going and how the format is probably gonna evolve, but that’s still a few weeks away. In the meantime, enjoy your holidays, your family, some good food and of course your bike!

Finally a little word from Rob:

I can't thank everyone enough for the support we get for the podcast, I mean it makes it worth doing. I generally enjoy it for a start but to get feedback and messages from people who say they have just listened to an episode and they enjoyed it makes me super happy so thanks, guys

For me, the podcast is becoming a weekly ritual and feels pretty good. It's a nice routine Paul and I have now got, and getting to just talk about things for a few hours a week is great. It doesn't feel like work for me ( I know Paul puts in a lot more time than I do) but for me, it's an absolute pleasure to do and I would love to continue it on and on. I would be very keen to know some more feedback in terms of what people like and can engage with and if there are any subjects we haven't yet touched on that you might like us to record an episode on would be great to get that feedback. 

I hate the winter and it comes around so fast. I think I could live somewhere warm all year round, to be honest, now that winter is fully here and the thermals are on every time I leave the house at the moment. It's a hard time of the year to keep motivated and especially to get out for a ride so I hope people can actually get out to ride at the moment even if it's grey and bleak but when the sun does creep out it's a nice moment, wish everyone good riding.  Thanks again to all and see you all next month

We’ll see you all in 2022, don’t forget to ride your bike and to be reasonably dangerous… wait , wrong outro…


Thank you to this month Patrons :
ILikeTrackBikes, Marius_five, Diego M, Patrick K, Joey R, Saiybon, Connor.D, Alexander. K, Acetylcholine, Sack10, Robin, F. Garcia, Kai, Tamás.S, Jacob.J, Danil.I, Mat.F, Michael.F, Robert.C, Mathieu.H, Benoit.P, KKYS, Florian.R, Honza.H and Michael.W !
Thank you for supporting us and the Slow Spin Society project


December/January’s Newsletter


October’s Newsletter