October’s Newsletter

Welcome everyone to this very rushed newsletter. I’m currently writing between 2 cardboard boxes and I’m pretty sure I’ll have to send this while driving on Saturday but here we are! I am currently moving from Paris to the countryside and even if I do my best with Rob to keep the Podcast up to date, the newsletter might be a little bit on the shorter side than usual. But let’s talk about what happened this month in the Slow Spin Society Podcast!

What a busy month though! October started with episode 35 in which we officialized our new co-host! Rob a.k.a @cairnsy.co, is now part of the show and I’m so happy to bring new energy to the podcast. We had a change of plan at the very last minute for this recording, so we decided to do a This vs That, Rob edition! Needless to say, those episodes are always a ton of fun to record with some interesting points of view that you wouldn't have expected from us.

Episode 36 was with the new individual men pursuit world champion himself, Ashton Lambie. We recorded this episode two weeks before his new title but a few months after his amazing world record for the four kilometers individual pursuit. We discussed his training, his gears and what it takes to do four kilometers in less than four minutes.

Ever felt like you were building your bike by following the trends and getting the same thing as everyone? Well, that’s exactly what we talked about in episode 37! This is also Fabian’s last episode for a while since he has to focus on uni but no worries, he’ll be back!

Finally, we had one of our long-awaited guests on the show. Karl, a.k.a @fixiekarl got us hooked on his vision of the fixed-gear aesthetic and his way to collect, ride, and shoot bikes. An incredibly interesting episode with a super nice guy! What else could you ask for!

We can never thank you enough for your support and even more if you’re part of our Patreon members! This Month's envelope was very special to me since I included my first batch of patches. Each and one of them, made by me, in-house. It’s a small step toward making some quality merch for everyone to get, and you can expect to see more designs soon. As usual, our top-tier patrons got the patches and some prints, but all our members from tier one to four got access to the extended conversation of the podcast, which comes at a total of approximately 4 hours of extra content this month!

What happened on the blog this month?

We’ve started the month strong with a sweet article on one of my favorite bike-cafe: Steel Coffee. A relaxing place for you to grab a drink, look at some gears, get advised by a cool staff, and overall have a great time! If you’re in Paris for a few days, why not give it a shot?

Then we have everyone’s favorite type of write-up and I can’t blame you for that. This bike-check is a special one! Because I used to own that frame for years, and never built it up, it was great seeing someone enjoying it and shredding it out there on the streets. If you’re down for some nice pictures and crispy details, go check that one out.


On a more personal note (because SSS is also a personal blog after all) I wanted to take a second to thank all the amazing people that are supporting me in this project. Of course Rob, Fabian, and the entire community but also the many friends that help me every day with new ideas, photoshoots, contacts, or just being a source of inspiration overall. October was my last month in Paris for a while since I’m moving to the south of France this week. Even if Paris is far from being my favorite city in terms of riding quality, I met some incredible people there and it was truly a pleasure to see the fixed-gear culture getting traction again, people getting more into bikes and riding along with each other.  I’ll of course continue to visit but with the international borders slowly re-opening I can feel the urge to travel and take my bike to new places. Can’t wait to take SSS abroad and do bike checks in new countries! Wait for me guys, I’m coming! 

On that note, I’ll end up with this shot for October. SSS is always about you and your bike, ride it, shoot it, shred it and keep the culture alive! See you in December! 🎅🏻


Thank you to this month Patrons :
ILikeTrackBikes, Marius_five, Diego M, Patrick K, Joey R, Saiybon, Connor.D, Alexander. K,, Acetylcholine, Sack10, Robin, F. Garcia, Kruucks, Tamás.S, Jacob.J, Danil.I, Mat.F, Maurits, Michael.F, Robert.C, Mathieu.H,Vit Hilenka, Benoit.P, KKYS, Florian.R and Michael.W !

Thank you for supporting us and the Slow Spin Society project


November’s Newsletter


September’s Newsletter