May’s Newsletter

Hello everyone!

Monthly recap of May 2022, here we go! It has again been a busy month with a lot to record, shoot, edit and write. But we made it and that’s all that matters!
I’ve personally experimented with video rides and GoPro settings, while Rob is slowly setting up in his new apartment. Lot’s of things in movement but let’s get into this recap!

Three episodes this month with a lot to talk about. We started with an update on Paul’s first steps back into Japan. It’s been a long one in the making, and it was good to finally tell more about the Japan rodeo. 
Episode 56 was our update on episode one “Everything about Tracklocross”.
With tips and tricks, our personal experience this year, and a list of possible bikes if you wanna start getting muddy.
Finally, episode 57 is our now-classic format “would you rather” a.k.a. “This vs That”.
Always fun to record those and even if you run out of ideas at some point we saw that the community has still plenty of imagination for us to tap in.

Our Patrons got access to a very special "bit of content this month since it was the first commented ride in Japan since I arrived. It was honestly quite interesting and challenging to talk while riding. Really enjoyed the experience of spreading my vision of the Tokyo Streets. So much so that I made another one for episode 57. An hour-long night ride to one of my favorite spots ever in Tokyo, You don’t wanna miss that. As always, thank you to all our Patrons that are making all of this possible, we love you guys!

News on

Like I promised last time, I added an extra article this month so you guys had enough to read and look at. We started with the first Japanese Bike-check, with my good friend Kotaro’s Kevin Winter.
I then released an interview with Marco who works at Wbase and for Brooklyn Machine Works and was able to tell me more about the link between these two brands. I’m not gonna lie, I’m super proud of this one. Definitely check it out if you got 10 minutes to spare
We finally finished, at last, we checked Nickolas’s custom-made Stomper Track and the ridiculous amount of fine parts on it. Fast bikes for slow people, that’s what I’m talking about.


And that’s it for this month! May has been hectic with a lot of things we still need to talk about, probably in a future special episode. But for now, we hope you guys enjoyed the content we create, and we’ll see you next month!

Overexcited Paul - Yo, is that a custom-made Little Wing, with Phillwood pro hubs and Enve parts?

Very calm random guy - Yeah…why? “


Thank you to this month Patrons :
ILikeTrackBikes, Marius_five, Diego M, Patrick K, Joey R, Saiybon, Connor.D, Sack10, Robin, F. Garcia, Kai, Tamás.S, Jacob.J, Mat.F, Michael.F, Robert.C, Mathieu.H, Benoit.P, Florian.R, Honza.H, Jorge.P, Michael.W, Jorge.K, Vytenis.T , A.Danger, Matěj.k , David.H, Fredrik.A, Corentin.M, Maurits, Ben.W, Edward.W, Matt.P and Tripp.A !
Thank you for supporting us and the Slow Spin Society project


June’s Newsletter


April’s Newsletter