April’s Newsletter

Hello everyone!

Welcome to this monthly recap for April 22! It's been a few hectic days between Rob and I meeting in Paris, taking the plane to Tokyo, and finally settling down and getting ready to record.

It is a whole new rhythm to figure out but also an incredible opportunity to escape from my comfort zone, learn how to record anywhere, create new types of content etcetera... Without further ado let's see what happened in the SSS multiverse this month.

We started April with Episode 53 and the incredible story of Graeme Obree a.k.a. The Flying Scotchman.

From multiple pieces of research and various media. We've put together the new "history episode" about the man who outplayed the UCI more than once. It's in my humble opinion, one of the best stories in cycling history, ever!

But after getting all serious and aero, it was time to get back on the wide bars with our good friend @patrickfixieking. In episode 54, we discussed his crazy sense of detail along with some of the bikes in his collection. It was a fun one to record with a lot of cool anecdotes.

Our Patrons got access to our first show recorded live, where Rob and I were in the same room. We met in Paris a few days before I had to leave and we absolutely loved it. It was a totally new experience to record next to each other and we can't wait to do it again.  We still have to figure out a few details about the recording set-up and gears. But it means we now have a completely portable "mini recording studio" that might be convenient for future experiences. On top of that, we, unfortunately, had to cut an episode short because of a scheduling problem.
But we decided to replace the missing after-show with a twenty-five-minute ride around Tokyo. Video is available for our Patrons! Enjoy!

News on Slowspinsociety.com

We also started April with a quick update on the blog and the podcast. Both have been running for a year and it was time to let you know some numbers and where we stand right now.

Let me add that I'm really happy with the direction SSS is going at the moment, so let's keep it this way.

The second article of this month was dedicated to my good friend’s creation.
Brivael's Quokka track prototype is an absolute piece of jewelry and solid proof that my boy has what it takes to make awesome track bikes. A good read and some eye candy like I know you like it.


We’re happy to see that even apart we’re still able to record and I can’t wait to show you the Japanese bike-checks coming by the dozen. Get ready it’s gonna be fun!

2022 is a year of trying new things and experimenting. Thank you for being part of this and we'll see you next month! 🔭


Thank you to this month Patrons :
ILikeTrackBikes, Marius_five, Diego M, Patrick K, Joey R, Saiybon, Connor.D, Sack10, Robin, F. Garcia, Kai, Tamás.S, Jacob.J, Mat.F, Michael.F, Robert.C, Mathieu.H, Benoit.P, Florian.R, Honza.H, Jorge.P, Michael.W, Jorge.K, Vytenis.T , A.Danger, Matěj.k , David.H, Fredrik.A, Corentin.M, Maurits, Ben.W, Edward.W, Matt.P and Tripp.A !
Thank you for supporting us and the Slow Spin Society project


May’s Newsletter


March’s Newsletter